Miracle Oil 晚@美肌強效版 – 60ml
Miracle Oil 晚@美肌強效版 – 60ml
- 可作肌底油,精華油
- 混合護膚品以增滋潤度, 混合化妝品一起使用更滋潤更貼服
- 可作髮尾油, 卸妝油(眼唇妝)
- 輕薄, 清爽, 百搭, 可大大減少轉季肌膚煩惱
- 非常適合喜歡真正天然簡約風格的用家
- *舒緩帶口罩磨擦, 皮膚不適, 修護*
- 深層修護滋潤, 易吸收鎖水柔滑, 抗氧活化, 適合對天然肌膚有要求既你!
- 轉季仲可以唔使換過曬啲皮膚品㖭, 一支百搭!
<係時候... 錫自己多啲>
- 100%全草本配方, 粹取純天然植物精油
- 無添加, 絕無不知明成份, 香料, A酸/水楊酸/人造修復添加劑.
- 純天然椰子油配四種上等精油 (橄欖油, 杏仁油, 高地薰衣草, 廣藿香)
<<有關椰子油一問>> :
- 此美肌油採用特別的粹取技術, 除了能去除一般椰子油的濃郁厚膩質感, 還完全保留了輕薄幼滑的親肌美肌部份, 特別適用於幼嫩的眼面頸部肌膚, 輕薄不塞毛孔,瞬間吸收~
- 滋潤保濕, 改善乾燥肌
- 輕薄不塞毛孔,瞬間吸收
- 改善暗啞肌, 提升肌膚光澤度
- 使肌膚恢復光滑柔細,長期使用可改善細紋
- 抗氧化, 活化被保護的肌膚
- 具備消炎, 殺菌
- 促進新組織再生 & 修復皮膚作用
- 有助於消除皮膚外觀瑕疵
- 調理暗瘡肌膚, 粉刺
- 其香氣能有助舒緩神經, 安穩平衡情緒,令人放鬆
- 天然防曬, 有隔離紫外線的作用
- 具備美白袪斑作用
Can be used as a base oil and essence oil
-Mixed skincare products to increase moisture, mixed with cosmetics to be more moisturized and more suitable
-Can be used as hair oil, makeup remover (eye and lip makeup)
-Light, refreshing, versatile, can greatly reduce the troublesome skin during the dry season
-Very suitable for users who like natural products
-Soothing itching with masks, skin discomfort, repair.
-Fresh and easy to absorb moisture skin.
-100% herbal formula, extract pure natural plant essential oil
-No additives, absolutely unknown ingredients, fragrances, A acid/salicylic acid/artificial repair additives.
-Pure natural coconut oil with fine essential oils (Olive oil, almond oil, highland lavender, patchouli)
good for:
-Moisturizes and improves dry skin
-Light and thin without pores, instantly absorbed
-Improves dull muscles and enhances skin gloss
-With anti-inflammatory, sterilization
-Promote new tissue regeneration & skin repair
-Helps eliminate skin imperfections
-Its aroma can help soothe nerves, calm and balance emotions
-Natural sunscreen
-With whitening effect