Medjool - 優質以色列有機椰棗 5kg

Medjool - 優質以色列有機椰棗 5kg

Sale Price:HK$829.00 Original Price:HK$850.00


椰棗體積細小而富含營養,保存期長, 可即食而飽肚​


椰棗的果肉中70%以上都是單純的果糖,非常易於消化,補中益氣、止咳潤肺、化痰平喘, 能增加腸道益菌,加速新陳代謝,能補充鈣、鐵。


Packing specification: 5 kg Product introduction from Israel

Date palms are small and rich in nutrients, have a long shelf life, and can be eaten and full​

Each one is big and sweet and creamy

More than 70% of the pulp of date palm is pure fructose, which is very easy to digest, nourishes qi, relieves cough and nourishes lungs, resolves phlegm and relieves asthma, can increase intestinal beneficial bacteria, accelerate metabolism, and can replenish calcium and iron.

More than 70% of the pulp of date palm is pure fructose, which is very easy to digest, nourishes qi, relieves cough and nourishes lungs, resolves phlegm and relieves asthma, can increase intestinal beneficial bacteria, accelerate metabolism, and can replenish calcium and iron.

Date palm has very high nutritional value, contains multiple vitamins and natural sugars

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