早餐中的蛋白質 🦴 如何幫助你🏃🏻減肥 🎇 你應該吃早餐嗎?👏🏻 🙌🏻 먹다?/Manger?/Essen?!

  1. 蛋白質是減肥的關鍵營養素。🌺 🌸




2. 你應該吃早餐嗎? 🌼 🌻 🌞


我們現在有充分的證據表明建議吃早餐或不吃早餐對體重增加或減少沒有影響。 您可以在本文(1 可信來源)中閱讀更多相關信息。

🐗 但是,出於其他原因,吃早餐可能是一個好主意。 例如,它可以改善學童、青少年和某些患者群體的心理表現(2 可信來源,3 可信來源)。

這也可能取決於早餐的質量。 🐴即使傳統的早餐(如高糖早餐麥片)對體重沒有影響,但富含減肥友好蛋白質的早餐可能會產生不同的效果。

3. 🐅蛋白質如何幫助你減肥

蛋白質可以說是減肥最重要的單一營養素。 🐆

這是因為與脂肪或碳水化合物相比,身體消耗更多的卡路里來代謝蛋白質。蛋白質還能讓您長時間保持飽腹感(4 可信來源、5 可信來源、6 可信來源、7 可信來源、8 可信來源)。

一項針對女性的研究表明,將蛋白質攝入量從總卡路里的 15% 增加到 30% 有助於她們每天減少 441 卡路里的攝入量。他們還在短短 12 週內減掉了 11 磅(5 公斤)(9 可信來源)。

🌻 另一項研究發現,將蛋白質增加到總卡路里的 25% 可以減少一半的深夜零食和 60% 的對食物的強迫性想法(10 可信來源)。

在另一項研究中,兩組女性進行了為期 10 週的減肥飲食。各組攝入的卡路里量相同,但蛋白質的量不同。

研究中的所有女性都減輕了體重。但是,高蛋白組的體重減少了大約半公斤(1.1 磅),體脂百分比也更高(11 可信來源)。

🌛蛋白質還可以幫助您長期保持體重減輕。一項研究發現,將蛋白質從卡路里的 15% 增加到 18% 可使節食者的體重減輕 50%(12 可信賴的來源、13 可信賴的來源、14 可信賴的來源)。

4. 🌝 早餐中的蛋白質如何幫助您減輕體重和腹部脂肪🌞

高蛋白早餐可以減少食慾和食慾。 它們還可以幫助您減掉腹部脂肪。🌖

膳食蛋白質與腹部脂肪成反比,這意味著您吃的優質蛋白質越多,您的腹部脂肪就越少(26 可信賴的來源,27 可信賴的來源)。

🌗一項針對中國肥胖青少年的研究表明,以雞蛋為主的膳食代替以穀物為主的早餐會在 3 個月內顯著減輕體重。

高蛋白早餐組減掉了 3.9% 的體重(約 2.4 公斤或 5.3 磅),而低蛋白組只減掉了 0.2%(0.1 公斤或 0.2 磅)(23 可信來源)。

🌖 在另一項研究中,減肥計劃的人要么吃雞蛋早餐,要么吃百吉餅早餐,熱量相同。

🌗8 週後,吃雞蛋早餐的人 BMI 降低了 61%,體重減輕了 65%,腰圍降低了 34%(25 可信來源)。

5. 早餐應該吃哪些高蛋白食物?🤤 😪 😵 🤐


雞蛋營養豐富,蛋白質含量高。事實證明,用雞蛋代替以穀物為基礎的早餐可以幫助您在接下來的 36 小時內減少卡路里攝入並減少更多體重和體脂(4 可信賴的來源、11 可信賴的來源、15 可信賴的來源)。


有關高蛋白食物的完整列表,請閱讀這篇文章。🤤 😪





希臘酸奶:含小麥胚芽、種子和漿果。😼 😽




  1. How Protein at Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight🌖 🌗

Protein is a key nutrient for weight loss.

🌗In fact, adding more protein to your diet is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight.

Studies show that protein can help curb your appetite and keep you from overeating.

Therefore, starting your day with a high-protein breakfast may be an effective weight loss tip.🌖

2. Should you eat breakfast?☀️

In the past, skipping breakfast has been associated with weight gain.

We now have good evidence showing that recommendations to eat or skip breakfast have no effect on weight gain or loss. You can read more about that in this article (1Trusted Source).

However, eating breakfast may be a good idea for other reasons. For example, it may improve mental performance in school children, teenagers and certain patient groups (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).🌤

This may also depend on the quality of the breakfast. Even if the stereotypical breakfast (like high-sugar breakfast cereal) has no effect on weight, a breakfast that is high in weight loss friendly protein may have different effects.

3. How protein helps you lose weight

Protein is arguably the single most important nutrient for weight loss.⚡️ ☄️

This is because the body uses more calories to metabolize protein, compared to fat or carbs. Protein also keeps you feeling fuller for longer (4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

One study in women showed that increasing protein intake from 15 to 30% of total calories helped them eat 441 fewer calories per day. They also lost 11 pounds (5 kg) in just 12 weeks (9Trusted Source).

Another study found that increasing protein to 25% of total calories reduced late-night snacking by half and obsessive thoughts about food by 60% (10Trusted Source).

✨ ⚡️ ☄️In yet another study, two groups of women were put on weight loss diets for 10 weeks. The groups ate the same amount of calories, but different amounts of protein.

All the women in the study lost weight. However, the high-protein group lost about half a kg (1.1 lbs) more, and a larger percentage of body fat (11Trusted Source).

Protein may also help you maintain weight loss in the long term. A study found that increasing protein from 15 to 18% of calories made dieters regain 50% less weight (12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).✨ ⚡️ ☄️

4. How protein at breakfast helps you lose weight and belly fat🥐 🥯

High-protein breakfasts can reduce appetite and cravings. They may also help you lose belly fat.

Dietary protein is inversely related to belly fat, meaning the more high-quality protein you eat, the less belly fat you have (26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source).

One study of obese, Chinese teens showed that replacing a grain-based breakfast with an egg-based meal led to significantly more weight loss over 3 months. 🍞

The higher-protein breakfast group lost 3.9% of their body weight (about 2.4 kg or 5.3 lbs), while the lower-protein group lost only 0.2% (0.1 kg or 0.2 lbs) (23Trusted Source).

⚽️ 🏀In another study, people on a weight loss program received either an egg breakfast or a bagel breakfast with the same amount of calories.

After 8 weeks, those eating the egg breakfast had a 61% higher reduction in BMI, 65% more weight loss and a 34% greater reduction in waist measurements (25Trusted Source).🥐 🥯 🍞

5. Which high-protein foods should you eat for breakfast?🤤 😪 😵 🤐

In short, EGGS.🤤 🤐

Eggs are incredibly nutritious and high in protein. Replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs has been shown to help you eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours and lose more weight and body fat (4Trusted Source, 11Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source).

However, fish, seafood, meat, poultry and dairy products are also great sources of protein to include for breakfast.

For a complete list of high-protein foods, read this article.🤤 😪

Here are a few examples of high-protein breakfasts that can help you lose weight:

  • Scrambled eggs: with veggies, fried in coconut oil or olive oil.😻

  • An omelette: with cottage cheese and spinach (my personal favorite).😻

  • Stir-fried tofu: with kale and dairy-free cheese.😻

  • Greek yogurt: with wheat germ, seeds and berries.😼 😽

  • A shake: one scoop of whey protein, a banana, frozen berries and almond milk.🤤

Protein pancakes are also a very popular breakfast food at the moment.



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