有機椰棗 150g(原價港幣40元)

有機椰棗 150g(原價港幣40元)

Sale Price:HK$20.00 Original Price:HK$40.00

椰棗味道清甜,沒有姨和膽固醇,椰棗的果肉中70%以上都是單純的果糖,非常易於消化,可作為關注血糖的人作代糖,補中益氣、止咳潤肺、化痰平喘, 能增加腸道益菌,有助排出毒素,加速新陳代謝。




產地; 美國

容量: 150g

$1 美食區(每次一張發票購買超過HK$400)

每次一張發票購買超過HK$400,你能夠選擇$1 food區的東西(比原價低很多)。

1. $400 至 $999, 你可以買一份食物不超過HK$1

2. $1000 到 $1499,你可以買總共不超過HK$2

4. $1500 到 $1999,你可以買總共不超過HK$5

5. $2000 到 $2999,你可以買食物總共不超過HK$10

6. $3000 到 $4999,你可以買食物總共不超過HK$20

7. 超過$5000,你可以買食物總共不超過HK$40

您獲得的所有此特別折扣港幣只能用於本次發票交易,不得轉讓給任何人或以後不能使用HK$。 您不能在其他地區使用此特別折扣港元。

在此折扣中,您不能購買相同的食物超過 1 次。

如果您在$1 美食區購買的數量超過本規則規定的數量,您需要支付原價和折扣價之間的差價。

$1 Food area

Every time you buy more than HK$400 in one invoice, you can choose the things in $1 Good food area only (much lower than original prices).

1. $400 to $999, U can buy one food at $1

2. $1000 to $1499, U can buy food at totally no more than $2

3. $1500 to $1999, U can buy food at totally no more than $5

4. $2000 to $2999, U can buy food at totally no more than $10

5. $3000 to $4999, U can buy food at totally no more than $20

6. More than $5000, U can buy food at totally no more than $40

All dollar u get can be used in this invoice transaction only and non-transferrable to any person or can not use the reminding dollar later. You can not use this dollar in the other areas.

You can not buy the same food more than 1 time in this discount money.

If you buy more than you are qualified in this rule, you will be charged back the original price for unqualified food price.

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